Research Papers
“A Study Of Students Perception On The Use Of Open Educational Resources In e-Learning” published in Sanskruti International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Indexed, Peer-Reviewed International Journal (ISSN 2455-1511), in Vol. IV Issue-IV June 2019, journal UOI:1.01/simrj, , (UGC list Journal no.46454, 47194), IFSIJ Impact factor-5.355(page No. 111-123) (Download)
“A Study Of The Attitude Of Teachers Towards The Information Communication Technology (ICT) With Respect To Their Demographical Variables”, published in Education Times A peer reviewed journal of education & Humanities (ISSN 2319-8265), In Volume 8, No. 3, May-June 2018, (UGC list Journal no. 62976 in 2017) (Page No. 70-80)
“A Study of the attitude of teachers towards the information communication technology (ICT) in relation to their awareness”, published in Journal of educational & Psychological Research(A biannual interdisciplinary peer reviewed refereed international research journal of education & psychology) (ISSN 2230-9586), In Volume 7, No. 2, July 2017, (UGC list journal no. 48320 in 2017) (Page No. 191-195)
“Moodle Learning Management Systems For Teacher Eduation”, published in EXPRESSION - A Journal of Social Science A Refereed/Juried International Journal (ISSN 2350-1456), In Volume 3, Issue 2, April 2017(Page No. 35-39 )
“A Study program-Awareness of ICT in DIET Teachers”, published in GNCE Journal of Transforming teacher Education (ISSN 2456-7922), In Volume 2, No 1, Jan-Dec 2017 (Page No.15-25 ) (Download)
“Teacher Education in a paradigm shift of information and communication Technology(ICT)”, published in EXPRESSION - A Journal of Social Science, A Refereed/Juried International Journal (ISSN 2350-1456), In Volume 3, Issue 1, Oct 2016 (Page No. 78-86)
“Impact of ICT on Community”, published in EXPRESSION - A Journal of Social Science, A Refereed/Juried International Journal (ISSN 2350-1456), In Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2016 (Page No.30-35)
“Gender Differences in Attitudes towards Information Technology Among Student Teachers”, published in IRJMSH(ISSN 2277 – 9809 (0) 2348 - 9359 (P)) In Volume 5 Issue 6 , Year 2014, DOI : 10.32804/IRJMSH (UGC list journal no. 48312 in 2017 )(Page No. 109-115) Impact Factor- 6.2311 (Download)